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An open letter to Paul Murphy re. a left alliance

An open letter to Paul Murphy re. a left alliance
Protest Cork

An open letter to Paul Murphy re. a left alliance


Dear Paul Murphy,

As an activist that has worked as part of a left alliance locally for 4 years, I feel my experience in co-organising protests that parties and organisations of the left attended together as a broad front, could be helpful in your establishment of a left alliance for the General Election in Ireland.

Some political parties on the left have a mandate from their membership to go into government even with FF / FG. This is as instructed by their members who want them to do that. They therefore can never agree not to do so. An alliance cannot enforce one parties policy over another party.

All demands should be dropped, an alliance of ‘vote left, transfer left’ should be formed without an agreement on anything else initially. Should the tactic work, the time will come to discuss policy matters as a left coalition, but not yet.

As it stands with these demands, my prediction is that almost no other party on the left can agree to another parties policy. This will fail.

PBP will then attack the parties of the left for not agreeing to these demands which ultimately shows the public we are not fit to govern together. I hope this is not the outcome, but it seems inevitable unless these demands are dropped.

Kind Regards,
Cork Streets